
General Information

"The English Speaking & Anglo-Swiss Club of Lausanne" (ES&ASC) was founded in January 2008 as the result of a merger between two of Lausanne's oldest English-speaking clubs.

Our club is one of 19 clubs belonging to the Federation of Anglo-Swiss Clubs (FASC), founded in 1932, formed to promote friendship and understanding between the Swiss and English-speaking people.

Every month the club organises at least three events, and members receive an attractive colour-printed newsletter of which there are 6 issues per year.

General e-mail address :
Specific e-mail addresses :

Any club member can ask for his own personal mailbox (which can be listed on this webpage or not), e.g., just ask the

Membership fee

Annual membership is Fr. 70.- for individual members and Fr. 100.- for couples (2 members residing at the same address). Membership fee is payable at the beginning of the year.
If you have the possibility, please make a direct payment from your CCP or bank account to the club's CCP account 10-21509-5, because this saves us the cash payment charges.

You can apply for membership any time during the current year: membership fee is CHF 70.- (respectively
CHF 100.- for a couple) if you join between January and the end of June, and CHF 35.- (respectively CHF 50.- for a couple) between July and the end of December.


If you would like to participate in an event, but don’t have transport, let us know, and we will do our best to arrange a lift for you.


If you would like to organise an event, or help to organise one, PLEASE contact one of the committee. All assistance or ideas are gratefully received !

Please note :
Recently, we have had people saying they would come to an event and not turning up. We understand there are many things which can happen to prevent one coming. However, when it’s a question of catering or seats reserved it causes a loss to the club which in turn makes it difficult to offer members a subsidy for some events. We know it's not always possible to make a firm arrangement weeks ahead but in future we shall have to make a charge to people who book but subsequently fail to show up. However, if you have not booked for an event and at the last moment you find you can come, do not hesitate to phone to see if it is still possible.


Copyright © 2009 ESC-Lausanne | ES&ASC CP 541, 1001 Lausanne | +41 21 802 28 58 tel | 086 079 231 86 70 fax